CHARITÉ – First aid for online-gaming addicted minors.


UX Research and App Review.


In Germany, around 5.7% of all minors are affected by gaming addiction (
So whilst waiting times for a therapist can be as long as two years, the Mindmate application has been developed to support young people and their parents through this sensitive phase. The program lasts for 12 weeks and intends to help young people better reflect on themselves and their addiction.

The task was to generate insights about the existing application through in-depth interviews with affected adolescents and their parents. Based on the research, we developed improvements and implemented gaming mechanisms in order to achieve more engagement of the young users.


In cooperation with:

Charité Berlin, Portvier GmbH, Philipp Veller.


My tasks:

UX Research, UX Interviews, UX Design, Content Strategy.


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